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Spartan SGX is a group fitness experience that will catapult your entire perception of fitness, health, and genetic potential into an entirely new realm. SGX, much like its mother Spartan Racing, is about setting new standards and defeating the ill-informed, self-imposed limits we all create for ourselves on a daily basis. Improve your focus and confidence. Expand your personal power. Cultivate discipline, drive, and determination. SGX isn't just about exercise – it is about life transformation.

What’s different about a Spartan SGX Bootcamp?

  • ·You get a coach a life-changing Spartan SGX Certified Coach!
  • ·Functional fitness that improves your life and your athletic ability
  • ·Periodized programming with purpose and specificity
  • ·You may train outdoors in inclement weather
  • ·Needs analysis for obstacle course specific training
  • ·Forged on the 7 Pillars of Spartan Coaching
  • ·A new standard in health, fitness, and performance

Spartan SGX Coaches have completed one of the most demanding certification programs in the industry with a specific mission to make YOU better!


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